Taoist Arts: One Way, Many Paths
The Tao is usually translated as the Way. It is the ultimate creative principle of the universe. All things are unified and connected in the Tao .
It is a spirituality of unity and opposites ; Yin and Yang . The Yin Yang principle views the world as filled with complementary forces - action and non-action, light and darkness, hot and cold, etc.
Taoists have a very ancient knowledge of the different types of energies that surround us and their indications, just as shamans have in-depth knowledge of the spirit of plants. It is this knowledge that materializes in the different tools of the Taoist Arts : We will use the BaZi and the Yi Jing , as a decision-making tool.
Our life is determined by the choices we make.
Our quality of life depends largely on our decisions. The best decisions depend on our knowledge of the options we have at a given moment. The goal, at the end of a consultation, is for you to be able to better see where you are on your life path in order to seize the opportunities that are available to you, and make the best decisions.