Practitioner of Chinese and Taoist medicine in Haut-Rhin between Saint-Louis and Mulhouse
"When people see their food supply dwindling, they start digging a well to get water. Although this seems appropriate and quick, it is often too late." If this Taoist maxim has stood the test of time, it is because it reflects an implacable evidence: that of taking care of oneself early in order to heal oneself and maintain oneself in good health.
If you are in good shape,
Traditional Chinese medicine helps you maintain the treasure of health.
If you are seeking spiritual development,
Traditional Chinese medicine but also Tibetan bowls contribute to generating more subtleties in your feelings, your knowledge of yourself and in all of your life choices.
If you start to feel chills , headaches, coughing, emotional fragility, if you are irritable or nervous, if you have repeated minor aches and pains, if you feel without much motivation or enthusiasm, if you have a runny nose or eyes,
Traditional Chinese medicine, through its subtle tools, regulates your temperature according to the needs of the season.
This will make it easier for annoying signs to disappear and allow you to amplify your positive energies.
If you have sprained your ankle or jammed your back ; if your knee hurts; if you have difficulty sleeping; if you have a cold all the time with cold hands, feet or stomach; if you are constipated or on the contrary have diarrhea; if you feel stressed very often, too often anxious; if you have just had an operation or vaccination; if you want to stop smoking; if you have difficulty digesting, hearing; if you have skin problems or problems concerning a particular organ;
If you need to talk , if you can't hold anything back, if you need help to get better, if your problem doesn't appear in this list...
François Perrinet, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine with 15 years of experience, offers you a unique and personalized in-depth treatment.
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